
Data Snippets

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Secure Data

Product: gXCHANGE (Capacity Release Exchange)

Capacity Release Bids: Get instant alerts whenever any Capacity Release is available on any pipeline. View Capacity Release Bids in real time. Don’t waste time monitoring each EBB. Automate! Cherry pick from over 50,000 Cap Releases per year. Gain an unfair advantage. Capacity worth over $500 million/yr. Bids refreshed automatically. Set pipeline-level alerts. Awarded Capacities auto-fed into your in-house trade capture system.

PipePipe DUNSReleaserReleaser DUNSBidderPost Date/TimeRec Loc NameRec Loc Prop CodeDel Loc NameDel Loc Prop CodeZoneBid Qty-LocationBid Min Qty-LocationRate BidRate Bid ID% of Max Tariff Rate BidMin Volumetric Commiment %IBR Bid Value - Diff ($)IBR Bid Value - Diff Rate Floor ($)IBR Bid Value %Bidder EmailBidder Phone NumberBidder Fax NumberReleaser Contact NameReleaser Phone NumberReleaser Contact Fax NumberReleaser Email AddressLocation/quantity type indicatorRate Form/Type DescBidder Lesser Quantity Ind DescBidder Contingency IndicatorBid Qty-ContractBidder’s Release Term Start DateBidder’s Release Term End DateBid Min Qty-ContractBid Package IdentifierCycle IndicatorBid Receipt Date/TimeStorage Inventory Condition NoteSurcharge IndicatorIBR Index-Based Capacity Release IndicatorAffiliate IndicatorMeasurement BasisMinimum Volumetric Commitment QuantityPrearranged Bid IndicatorRouteStorage Inventory Conditioned Release IndicatorOffer NumberRate ScheduleReservation Rate Basis DescStand Alone Bid Ind DescSpecial Terms and Miscellaneous NotesSpecial Terms and Miscellaneous Notes–AMA ObligationsSpecial Terms and Miscellaneous Notes – Storage Inventory ConditionsCapacity Type Location IndicatorStatusRight To Amend Primary Points TermsReleasing Shipper Contingency TermsNot a Stand alone Bid Terms and ConditionsBid Tie Breaking MethodRight of First Refusal TermsRollover Rights TermsBid Evaluation MethodIBR Unique Formula Special TermsRecall/Reput TermsComments And NotesBidder’s Contingency Terms NoteNot a Stand alone Offer Terms and Conditions
TRANSCONTINENTAL GAS PIPE LINE007933021 ORANGE AND ROCKLAND UTIL006993406BP EnergyJan 22nd 2022 16:56Leidy1006161Long Island1006382Z6 5,000 5,000 $8.5621 Reservation95.25%10.45%$0.2525 $0.0501 50.55%[email protected]713.236.0000713.236.0001Ben Jones856.235.0000856.235.0001[email protected] Delivery point(s) quantity Reservation charge only Bidder will accept an award for less than the full quantity The bid is not contingent 10,000  11/01/2021 10/31/2022 645Rock1Timely 10/25/2021 18:45 NO Rate(s) stated include all applicable surchargesDoes not utilize index-based pricing for capacity releaseBidder is not affiliated with the TSP Million BTU’s 0.0000 Bidder is the prearranged deal bidderSunrise NO 129300FT1 PER DAYBID WITHOUT EXCEPTION STAND-ALONERecall anytimeAMA DealFlex RatchetsPlant OriginalYesNoReleaser decidesBiddingROFR offeredYesTie BreakIndex BasedDailyRetail ChoiceNAESB rules applyNAESB rules apply

Product: gXCHANGE (Capacity Release Exchange)

Capacity Release Offers: Get instant alerts whenever any Capacity Release is available on any pipeline. View Capacity Release Offers in real time. Don’t waste time monitoring each EBB. Automate! Cherry pick from over 50,000 Cap Releases per year. Gain an unfair advantage. Capacity worth over $500 million/yr. Offers refreshed automatically. Set pipeline-level alerts. Awarded Capacities auto-fed into your in-house trade capture system.

PipePipe DUNSReleaser NameReleaser DUNSBidder NameBidder DUNSPost Date TimeRec LocRec Loc PropDel LocDel Loc PropZoneMin Offer Qty-LocMax Offer Qty-LocMin Offer Qty-ContractMax Offer Qty-ContractMin Acceptable RateMin Acceptable Rate IDMax TariffMax Tariff IDMin Acceptable % of Max TariffMin Acceptable Volumetric Commitment %Min Acceptable Volumetric Load Factor %Releaser Contact Name Releaser Phone NumberReleaser Contact Fax NumberReleaser Email AddressLocation Qty Type IndRate/Form Type IndicatorReservation Rate BasisReleaser Contract NumberUnit PriceBid Period Start DateTimeBid Period End DateTimeDiscount Indicator-Non-ReservationRelease Term Start DateRelease Term End DateMultiplierMonetary AmountCycle IndicatorStatusRecall/Reput TermsContingency End Date TimeSpecial Terms and Miscellaneous Notes–AMA ObligationsCapacity Type Location IndicatorBid Tie-Breaking Method NotesSpecial Terms and Miscellaneous Notes-Storage Inventory ConditionsIBR Index-based Capacity Release IndicatorRecall/Reput IndicatorAllowable Re-release IndicatorSpecial Terms and Miscellaneous NotesAffiliate IndicatorRight To Amend Primary Points IndicatorRight To Amend Primary Points TermsMarket-Based Rate IndicatorPrearranged Deal IndicatorPreviously Released IndicatorPermanent Release IndicatorRelease TypeStorage Inventory –Conditioned Release IndicatorWeightBusiness Day IndicatorRecall Notification Period Indicator – TimelyRecall Notification Period Indicator-Early EveningRecall Notification Period Indicator-EveningRecall Notification Period Indicator-Intraday 1Recall Notification Period Indicator-Intraday 2Recall Notification Period Indicator-Intraday 3IBR Formula IdentifierIBR Index Reference1IBR Index Reference2IBR Unique Formula Special TermsIBR Variable Mathematical Operator IndicatorReplacement Shipper Role IndicatorCapacity Award Date TimeOverrun Responsibility IndicatorIBR Bid Value RateFloorIBR Rate DefaultIBR Index Mathematical Operator IndicatorRight of First Refusal IndicatorRollover Rights IndicatorRate SchedulePrearranged Deal Match Date TimePressure Base ValueSurcharge IndicatorOffer Package IdentifierDiscount IndicatorIBR Rate FloorMinimum Volumetric Commitment QuantityReleaser Designation of Acceptable Bidding BasisStand-alone Offer IndicatorShorter Term IndicatorReleasing Shipper Lesser Quantity IndicatorBid Evaluation Method IndicatorReleasing Shipper’s Contingency IndicatorBiddable Deal IndicatorBid Tie-Breaking Method ReferenceMeasurement BasisMinimum Volumetric Commitment Percentage Evaluation IndicatorBidder’s Contingency TermsNot a Stand-alone Bid Terms and ConditionsMinimum Acceptable Volumetric Commitment QuantityLocation OBA IndicatorRouteComments And NotesReleasing Shipper Contingency TermsRight of First Refusal TermsNot a Stand-alone Offer Terms and ConditionsRollover Rights TermsBid Evaluation MethodSpecial Terms and Miscellaneous Notes DescSpecial Term And Miscellaneous Notes-AMAObligation[Product Desc]Special Term And Miscellaneous Notes-StorageInventoryCondition[Product Desc]
Great Lakes Gas046077343 SEMCO Energy089712079Sequent612075846Jan 22nd 2022 16:56BELLE RIVER MILLS720049EMERSON RECEIPT33975W 6,000 12,000 1,000 50,000 $0.2525 Reservation $6.5897 Reservation10.25%15.55%2.6518Ben Jones456.125.0000456.125.0001[email protected]Receipt point(s) to delivery point(s) quantity Reservation charge only PER MONTHGL-7615-987$10.2845 Feb 1st 2022 10:00Feb 28th 2022 10:00Yes 11/01/2022 11/30/20234.5621$15,000 Evening Original Recallable/ReputtableFeb 28th 2022 10:00Non-AMAPoolHighest BidderFlex RatchetsDoes not utilize index-based pricingRecallable & Reputtable  Not Re-releasableAnnual SurchargeBidder is not affiliated with pipelineYesNo NO Offer is subject to a prearranged dealCapacity not previously released Capacity is not being permanently released Temporary point-to-point short term prearrangedYes52.5545 YES YES NO YES YES YES NOIndexWaddingtonIroq RecHighest BidderMultiply Asset Management Arrangement 10/25/2021 14:35No0.05050.2565MultiplyYesNo FTFeb 28th 2022 10:0021.6547Includes all applicable surchargesSemco 2May include rates subject to a discount or negotiated rate 0.0001  0.0000Absolute dollars and cents per unit basis Stand-alone offer may be bid upon separatelyReleasing Shipper will not accept less than full termWill not accept bids for less than the full quantity Highest RateYes Non-BiddableHighest Million BTU’sYesNo Partial Releasenone 10,000 Nononenon AMAnoneYesnoneYesTie Breaknonenon AMANo Storage

Product: gXCHANGE (Capacity Release Exchange)

Capacity Release Awards: Get instant alerts whenever any Capacity Release is available on any pipeline. View Capacity Release Awards in real time. Don’t waste time monitoring each EBB. Automate! Cherry pick from over 50,000 Cap Releases per year. Gain an unfair advantage. Capacity worth over $500 million/yr. Awards refreshed automatically. Set pipeline-level alerts. Awarded Capacities auto-fed into your in-house trade capture system.

PipePipe DUNSBid#Offer#Award#Releaser NameBidder NameBidder DUNSRec LocRec Loc Prop CodeDel LocDel Loc Prop CodeZoneAward Qty-LocAward Qty-ContractMax TariffMax Tariff IDAward RateAward Rate IDMin Acceptable % of Max TariffMin Volumetric Commitment %IBR Bid Value - Diff ($)IBR Bid Value - Diff Rate Floor ($)IBR Bid Value %Post Date TimeContact Functional CodeBidder Phone NumberBidder Email AddressLocation/Quantity Type IndicatorRate Form/Type CodeReservation Rate BasisUnit PriceRelease term start dateRelease term end dateCapacity award date/timeMultiplierMonetary AmountCycle IndicatorStatusRecall Reput Term NoteSpecial Terms and Miscellaneous NotesStorage Inventory Condition NoteIBR Index-Based Capacity Release IndicatorRecall/Reput IndicatorAllowable Re-release IndicatorRef Special Terms and Miscellaneous NotesAffiliate IndicatorRight to Amend Primary Points IndicatorRef AMA ObligationRight to Amend Primary Points TermsSpecial Terms And Miscellaneous Notes- Ama ObligationsSpecial Terms And Miscellaneous Notes - Storage Inventory ConditionsCapacity Type Location IndicatorRouteMarket-Based Rate IndicatorPrearranged Deal IndicatorPreviously Released IndicatorPermanent Release IndicatorReplacement Shipper Role IndicatorStorage Inventory –Conditioned Release IndicatorOverrun Responsibility IndicatorBusiness Day IndicatorRate ScheduleRecall Notification Period Indicator – TimelyRecall Notification Period Indicator-Early EveningRecall Notification Period Indicator-EveningRecall Notification Period Indicator-Intraday 1Recall Notification Period Indicator-Intraday 2Recall Notification Period Indicator-Intraday 3IBR Formula IdentifierIBR Index Reference1IBR Index Reference2IBR Unique Formula Special TermsIBR Variable Mathematical Operator IndicatorReplacement Shipper Contract NumberCharge Information Reference NumberIBR Rate DefaultIBR Rate FloorMinimum Volumetric Commitment QuantityReleaser Designation of Acceptable Bidding BasisSurcharge IndicatorMeasurement BasisComments And NotesReleasing Shipper Contingency TermsRight of First Refusal TermsBid Tie Breaking MethodRollover Rights TermsBid Evaluation MethodBidder’s Contingency TermsNot a Stand alone Bid Terms and ConditionsNot a Stand alone Offer Terms and Conditions
Eastern Gas Transmission1160251801084051119575I1376PETRO HOLDINGS INC (067574421)DOMINION FIELD SERVICES023639961POD 7 GRANTSVILLEP0007TET - OAKFORD40225South Pool 6,500 25,000 $15.0563 Reservation $12.5418 Reservation5.25%5.00%$0.2525 $0.0505 15.50% 10/26/2021 15:55Trader917.326.2179[email protected] Receipt point(s) to delivery point(s) quantity Reservation charge only Per month$5.2149  11/01/2022 11/30/2023 10/26/2021 18:364.0025$12,000 ID1 ConfirmationRecallableReputtableRatchets The release does not utilize index-based pricing for capacity release Capacity recallable and reputable Re-releasableAMABidder is affiliated only with the pipelineYesAMA11/1/2022AMARatchetsYesnone No This award is the result of a prearranged deal Award contains, in total or in part, capacity which was previously released Capacity is not being permanently released Asset Management ArrangementYesYes No FT Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesMultiplyPlattsIFERCnegotiatedYes 5I1376 RATE$0.0005 $0.0000 10,000  Non-Index-Based Release -Absolute dollars and cents per unit basis Rate(s) stated include all applicable surcharges; no surcharge detail or surcharge total provided Million BTU’sAMAYesYesHighestYesHighestYesFlex RatchetsAMA

Product: gTRAN (Gas Transactional Reporting)

Transactional Reporting: This data section of each gas pipeline’s website contains three types of transactions: Firm storage & transport, Interruptible storage & transport, and Parks/Loans. See data in a standardized format from all inter-state and intra-state pipes. Automated and aggregated “Transactional Reporting” feed includes Fee Revenue Paid to Pipes, Shipper Names, Pipe Names, Flow Dates, Volumes, Receipt/Delivery Locations, and all other Transactional Reporting line items shown below published by each pipe.

PipePipe DUNSAward#Releaser NameBidder NameBidder DUNSRec LocRec Loc Prop CodeDel LocDel Loc Prop CodeZoneAward Qty-LocAward Qty-ContractMax TariffMax Tariff IDRate ChargedAward Rate IDPost Date TimeContact Functional CodeBidder Phone NumberBidder Email AddressLocation/Quantity Type IndicatorRate Form/Type CodeReservation Rate BasisUnit PriceRelease term start dateRelease term end dateCapacity award date/timeStatusRate ScheduleReplacement Shipper Contract NumberMeasurement Basis
Eastern Gas Transmission1160251805I1376PETRO HOLDINGS INC (067574421)DOMINION FIELD SERVICES023639961POD 7 GRANTSVILLEP0007TET - OAKFORD40225South Pool 6,500 25,000 $15.0563 Reservation $12.5418 Reservation 10/26/2021 15:55Trader917.326.2179[email protected] Receipt point(s) to delivery point(s) quantity Reservation charge only Per month$5.2149  11/01/2022 11/30/2023 10/26/2021 18:36 Confirmation FT 5I1376 Million BTU’s

Product: gTariff (Automated Pipeline Tariffs)

Real time tariff feed from all pipes. Eliminate pain point of manually updating tariffs. Push tariff changes from every pipe automatically into your gas system. All pipe tariffs in 1 clean standardized format. Consume entire tariff or tariff changes only. Query tariff changes by date range. Includes Demand, Commodity, Fuel, Surcharges, etc. Includes ALL Rate Schedules used by ALL pipes (U.S. & Canadian). Eliminate month-end mismatches to pipeline invoices. Set custom tariff email alerts by pipe & rate schedule. Tariff change alerts via email or API.

Effective DatePipelinePost DateRate SchedRate Sched TypeFirm/InterruptibleSub Rate DescRec Meter#/Location#Rec LocRec Loc Unique IDDel Meter#/Location#Del LocDel Loc Unique IDTariff typeTariff DetailTariff DescTariffEndur Standard Charge TypeFootnoteACA includedSurchargeAmount/PercentDUNSCountryRevisionRate Sched Full FormsUnique IDFuel applied to
01/01/2022ANR Pipeline Company06/01/2021FTS-4LTransportation ServicesFirm1000065Southeast Southern Segment (ML2)104000021000079Southwest Area (SW)10400004ReservationReservationUS $/Dth17.52400RD1noneNo. To Be IncludedNoAmount006958581U.S.Third Revised Volume No.1Firm Transportation Services6IIU4WZUH5S2Y9WFReceipt
01/01/2022ANR Pipeline Company06/01/2021FTS-4LTransportation ServicesFirm1000065Southeast Southern Segment (ML2)104000021000079Southwest Area (SW)10400004CommodityCommodityUS $/Dth0.02760COTnoneNo. To Be IncludedNoAmount006958581U.S.Third Revised Volume No.1Firm Transportation ServicesKYIE8JZOTGV47KRWReceipt
01/01/2022ANR Pipeline Company06/01/2021FTS-4LTransportation ServicesFirm1000065Southeast Southern Segment (ML2)104000021000079Southwest Area (SW)10400004OthersMinimumUS $/Dth0.02760RD1noneNo. To Be IncludedNoAmount006958581U.S.Third Revised Volume No.1Firm Transportation Services8U2L0JF3K0TFSS0GReceipt
01/01/2022ANR Pipeline Company06/01/2021FTS-4LTransportation ServicesFirm1000065Southeast Southern Segment (ML2)104000021000079Southwest Area (SW)10400004OverrunOverrunUS $/Dth0.60380AOSnoneNo. To Be IncludedNoAmount006958581U.S.Third Revised Volume No.1Firm Transportation ServicesLS1LVCXH0OQ5HFR3Receipt
01/01/2022ANR Pipeline Company06/01/2021FL&UTransportation ServicesFirmCorunna Interconnect1000068All104000001000068All10400000FuelLost and Unaccounted%0.15000COFnoneNoNoPercent006958581U.S.Third Revised Volume No.1Firm Transportation ServicesJIX2OW4U2ZH2ZK1FReceipt

Product: gNOTICE (Pipeline Notices)

Real-time Critical, Non Critical, & Open Season Notices from all pipes on 1 dashboard. Set keyword alerts to eliminate noise. Spot market-moving constraints. Trade early. Increase P&L! Don’t waste time scraping data from each EBB. Set smart alerts with keywords e.g. “OFO“ or “Force Majeure“. Don’t get bombarded with unwanted email alerts. Set pipeline-level alerts. Be first to discover pipeline constraints.

PipePipe DUNSCriticalNotice Eff Date Notice End Date Post DateNotice IdResponse DateReqrd RespNotice Status DescPrior Notice IdNotice Type DescSubjectNotice Text
Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC006951446Yes1/1/20221/31/202212/21/202111372112/31/2021No response required.Supercede113263Unplanned OutageAGT Outage ScheduleConstraint at Cromwell compressor for Gas Day 27

Products: gCAP (Operationally Available & Unsubscribed Capacities)

Operationally Available Capacity: This dataset provides you pipeline meter level flow data for every NAESB cycle. See how much gas is nominated and scheduled to flow for every meter on every pipe for every NAESB cycle for today and tomorrow’s flow. Hourly data available (when the pipeline provides it). Set SMART alerts e.g. “when Point XYZ is 18% constrained, then alert me”. Be first to discover point constraints.

Unsubscribed Capacity: This is the forward firm capacity that is open (unsubscribed) on every pipeline for every meter. Forward means any flow date after tomorrow. Get alerted when someone buys Firm Capacity on any pipe. For e.g., “if someone buys a whole bunch of firm capacity on Transco with a flow start date 3 months out, get alerted”. Trade early. Increase P&L! Don’t waste time scraping data from each EBB. Whittle down alerts to your key points/pools. Set meter-level or pipeline-level alerts.

LocLoc NameCycleDesign CapacityOperating CapacityTot Sched QtyOper Avail QtyAvailable %Effective DatePost Start DateFlow IndicatorLoc QTI DescMeasBasisITAll Qty Avail
00801Milford PowerTIM93,59293,5921,00592,5879810/26/202110/26/2021DeliveryDPQ Million BTU’s NoY
00001Partroy (MORRIS,NJ)TIM18,02218,022018,02210010/26/202110/26/2021DeliveryDPQ Million BTU’s NoY
00802Ledyard (NEW LONDON,CT)TIM3,7504,56004,56010010/26/202110/26/2021DeliveryDPQ Million BTU’s NoY
00803FORE RIVER (NORFOLK,MA)TIM375,381375,3810375,38110010/26/202110/26/2021DeliveryDPQ Million BTU’s NoY
Loc PropLocLocation Qty TypePost Start DateStart Eff Gas DayEnd Eff Gas DayUnitsLocation Zone Unsubscribed Capacity
1293229MLS BRIDGMAN-SANDWICHSGQ10/8/202111/1/20214/1/2022 Million BTU’s ANR SE 40,500
226629SEML N-S (GREENVILLE)SGQ10/8/202110/9/202111/1/2021 Million BTU’s ANR SE 50,000
314515LAGRANGE WESTBOUNDSGQ10/8/202110/9/20214/1/2022 Million BTU’s ANR SE 69,000
359925SANDWICH NORTHBOUNDSGQ10/8/202112/1/20211/1/2022 Million BTU’s ANR SE 13,000

Product: gINDEX (Index of Customers)

“Index of Customers” consolidated from all pipes on 1 dashboard. Drill down by Pipe, Shipper, K#, MDQ, Rec/Del, Tenor. Target Shippers by volume. Discover new Shippers. Drive revenue! Don’t waste time scraping data from each EBB. Analyze a Shipper’s volumes across pipes. Spot Shipper concentrations. Track expiring Shipper contracts. Track who is buying what on which pipe. Enhance your sales/origination efforts. Analyze Shipper trends across time.

PipeFERC IDReport DtOrig/RevisedReport QtrTport UnitsStor UnitsContactContact Ph#ShipperShipper DunsShipper AffiliationRate SchedK#K StartK ExpNeg Rate Tport MDQ Stor MSQ Agent/AMAAgent/AMA AffiliationPt NamePt ID Code QualPt Iden CodeZone Loc Tport MDQ Loc Stor MSQ
Northwest PipelineC00064004/01/21OApr’21DthDthJosh Taylor801-584-7654Shell Energy North America (US), LP837565548NTF-213451005/01/0603/31/26N 15,000 - BP EnergyNPalomaRec561245Pool 6,000
Tennessee GasC00002004/02/18OApr’21DthDthNara Houy713-420-8910ADAMSVILLE CITY OF127161370NFS2045-FSMATGP09/01/9311/01/20N - 5,000,000 DelhiDel524659800L 16,667
Southern Natural GasC00002104/01/21OApr’21DthDthSherry Noack713-420-3716ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION - MISS DIVISION6964415NFT450442-MFTSNG-45562108/01/1508/31/23N 22,000 - ATMOS ENERGY CORPNATMOS-MS/SNG CARTHAGE ATTALARec735100Zone 1 18,000
A.I. Enabled Search Capability (Only For Pipeline Public Data)